Kwazi-Con, October 15-16, Colorado Springs

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Kwazi-Con, October 15-16, Colorado Springs

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:22 pm

Kwazi-Con will be held at the Space Foundation this year at 4425 Arrowswest Dr, 80907 (off Garden of the Gods).  Proceeds from Kwazi-Con will support the Space Foundation and the STEM scholarships.  The price of daily tickets will be $10 for entry to Kwazi-Con, there will be no additional price for tabletop gaming.

Sign up for one 4 hour session and get admission free that day!

We need GMs!

We have three tables each day and the convention goes from 10am to midnight Saturday and 10am to 10pm Sunday.  Here are the PFS tables for each day.  If you'd like to volunteer to be a GM, please let me know here , by private message, or when you see me at Enchanted Realms!

Saturday 11am-3pm
Table 1 Pathfinder Society Quest: Honor's Echo  GM: Randy
A series of six Quests designed for 1st-level characters.

The grand Taldan Empire once controlled half of Avistan, but during the Even-Tongued Conquest, it could not manage an ongoing war with both its neighbor Qadira and the secessionist rebels in its outer provinces. As Taldor struggled to control its crumbling territories, its monarchs sought scapegoats for its failures, including the righteous war hero Countess Honaria Alcasti. Stripped of its nobility, her family has survived in obscurity for seven hundred years. However, her descendant Remaio has identified evidence that might redeem the Alcasti name and his ancestor's honor. Can the PCs help exonerate her name and bring glory to Taldor once more?

Table 2 Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-12: The Twisted Circle GM: Roy
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5.

A magical war between the archmages Geb and Nex left the landscape between their nations scarred and wracked by magical anomalies-a barren stretch known as the Mana Wastes. During the conflict, their generals also created countless weapons and defenses that pushed the limits of magic, yet most of these were destroyed in battle or lost forever. Recent investigations suggest that some of this ancient power is at play in an insular town outside Alkenstar, but there the trail runs cold. Can the PCs uncover the truth while braving the residents' eccentricities?

Table 3 Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-02: Ward Asunder GM: ?
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-7.

The legendary sorceress Hao Jin transferred many abandoned historical sites to her museum demiplane, though even her magic had limits, forcing her to transport only part of an architectural treasure. The half of a temple she left behind in the jungles of Dtang Ma has developed a haunted reputation in the centuries since. Now an unlikely ally has approached the Society with tales of unspoiled historical secrets and hidden treasure left within the shattered sanctuary of Yamatsumi, the mountain god.

Saturday 3pm-7pm
Table 1 Pathfinder Society Quest: Fane of Fangs GM: Randy
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for level 5 characters.

Long ago, the daemonic harbinger Anogetz nearly conquered Southern Fangwood with an army of mad beasts, but a miracle from the hunter god Erastil staved off disaster. Thieves made off with the holy relic keeping the daemoic energies sealed, and now it's up to the PCs to return the relic before the evil force awakens and marches once more.
Table 1 Pathfinder Society Quest: Ambush in Absalom GM: Randy
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for levels 1-5.

A Pathfinder carrying an important message has gone missing in the sewers beneath Absalom, but what the PCs find when they investigate the missing agent's fate is something few expect.

Table 2 Pathfinder Module: Realm of the Fellnight Queen GM: R.C.
A wilderness adventure for 7th-level Pathfinder Roleplaying Game characters.

Stay Out of the Woods

Deep in the forest, something is stirring. An evil fey sorcerer, cast out of the First World millennia ago by her own kin, has found a way to break through the ancient walls of her prison, and carries with her a vengeance too deep to be sated. For the quiet Andoren town of Bellis, busy celebrating a long-awaited marriage, it's a time for joy and laughter. Yet the forest that's always sheltered it is growing dark, and things are moving in the heart of the woods...

Realm of the Fellnight Queen is a wilderness adventure for 7th-level chararacters, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's oldest RPG. Inside you'll find a possessed druid, a drunken treant, an insane beekeeper, shape-changing forest warriors, and the dark mistress of the Fellnight Realm herself.

Table 3 Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-03: Captives of Toil GM: ?
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5-9.

Two years ago, the Pathfinder Society concluded its extended campaign to find, reclaim, and explore the lost sky citadel Jormurdun. After ousting the vile demons and duergar within, the Society turned over control to their dwarven allies, who have defended the ancient fortress ever since. A recent raid by duergar slavers has captured some of Jormurdun's dwarves, who have disappeared into the Darklands and bound for the cruel capitol of Hagegraf. Only the Pathfinder Society is equipped and able to launch a daring rescue into the lightless depths, intercept the slaver convoy, and save these dwarves from a grisly fate.

Saturday 7pm-11pm
Table 1 Pathfinder Society Quest: Honor's Echo GM: Randy
A series of six Quests designed for 1st-level characters.

The grand Taldan Empire once controlled half of Avistan, but during the Even-Tongued Conquest, it could not manage an ongoing war with both its neighbor Qadira and the secessionist rebels in its outer provinces. As Taldor struggled to control its crumbling territories, its monarchs sought scapegoats for its failures, including the righteous war hero Countess Honaria Alcasti. Stripped of its nobility, her family has survived in obscurity for seven hundred years. However, her descendant Remaio has identified evidence that might redeem the Alcasti name and his ancestor's honor. Can the PCs help exonerate her name and bring glory to Taldor once more?

Table 2 (Realm of the Fellnight Queen continued)

Table 3 Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-01: Portent's Peril GM: ?
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5.

Even in an age where prophecy rarely comes true, many in Varisia hold the mysterious Harrow cards and their predictions in high esteem. The Pathfinder Society's ally Zeeva Foxglove recently received a Harrow reading as repayment for her generosity, but a rare card appeared and portended imminent doom. Now that these terrible predictions are coming true, Zeeva realizes she cannot weather this storm alone. It's up to the PCs to save this friend and philanthropist-perhaps by changing fate entirely.

Sunday 11am-3pm
Table 1 Pathfinder Society Quest: Honor's Echo GM: O.J.
A series of six Quests designed for 1st-level characters.

The grand Taldan Empire once controlled half of Avistan, but during the Even-Tongued Conquest, it could not manage an ongoing war with both its neighbor Qadira and the secessionist rebels in its outer provinces. As Taldor struggled to control its crumbling territories, its monarchs sought scapegoats for its failures, including the righteous war hero Countess Honaria Alcasti. Stripped of its nobility, her family has survived in obscurity for seven hundred years. However, her descendant Remaio has identified evidence that might redeem the Alcasti name and his ancestor's honor. Can the PCs help exonerate her name and bring glory to Taldor once more?

Table 2 Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-03: The Bronze House Reprisal GM: ?
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5-9.

A recent assault on the Pathfinder Society has renewed hostilities with the Aspis Consortium, and clues left behind point to one of its masterminds: the gold agent Maiveer Sloan. By infiltrating one of the Consortium's artifact-smuggling operations, the PCs can sabotage their rivals' criminal operations and send a clear message: No attack will go unanswered.

Table 3 Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-01: Portent's Peril GM: ?
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5.

Even in an age where prophecy rarely comes true, many in Varisia hold the mysterious Harrow cards and their predictions in high esteem. The Pathfinder Society's ally Zeeva Foxglove recently received a Harrow reading as repayment for her generosity, but a rare card appeared and portended imminent doom. Now that these terrible predictions are coming true, Zeeva realizes she cannot weather this storm alone. It's up to the PCs to save this friend and philanthropist-perhaps by changing fate entirely.

Sunday 3pm-7pm
Table 1 Pathfinder Society Quest: Fane of Fangs GM: ?
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for level 5 characters.

Long ago, the daemonic harbinger Anogetz nearly conquered Southern Fangwood with an army of mad beasts, but a miracle from the hunter god Erastil staved off disaster. Thieves made off with the holy relic keeping the daemoic energies sealed, and now it's up to the PCs to return the relic before the evil force awakens and marches once more.
Table 1 Pathfinder Society Quest: Ambush in Absalom GM: ?
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for levels 1-5.

A Pathfinder carrying an important message has gone missing in the sewers beneath Absalom, but what the PCs find when they investigate the missing agent's fate is something few expect.

Table 2 Pathfinder Module: Carrion Hill (PFRPG) GM: R.C.
A dark urban horror adventure for 5th-level Pathfinder Roleplaying Game characters.

The strange city of Carrion Hill has long loomed over the surrounding swamps in eastern Ustalav, yet its rulers have shifted many times through the centuries. Often enough that only a few sinister scholars and curious minds know the true nature of the hill's original inhabitants-vile and depraved cultists of the Old Gods. Yet this morning, a dreadful recrudescence rises from the depths of buried nightmare in the vaults below Carrion Hill. A monster stalks the twisted alleys of the city, spreading panic before it and leaving destruction in its wake. Can the Carrion Hill Horror be stopped?

Table 3 Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-05: Ungrounded but Unbroken GM: Roy
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5.

The Peerless Empire of shaitan genies has warred with their fiery counterparts for centuries, and thinly stretched resources leave the shaitans in need of additional aid. They have founded a new state-sanctioned mercenary company known as the Ungrounded, which draws upon free agents from across the multiverse. One of the Society's few friends on the Plane of Earth has recommended at least a handful of Pathfinders join the Ungrounded, knowing that even a few months' service could dramatically enhance the Society's reputation (and fill those agents' pockets) in this distant realm. The PCs travel to the magnificent Opaline Vault as the Society's first envoys, but in doing so they must survive the otherworldly threats that lurk in both this strange environment and within their own ranks.

Sunday 7pm-10pm (Speed Session!)
Table 1 Pathfinder Society Quest: Honor's Echo GM: O.J.
A series of six Quests designed for 1st-level characters.

The grand Taldan Empire once controlled half of Avistan, but during the Even-Tongued Conquest, it could not manage an ongoing war with both its neighbor Qadira and the secessionist rebels in its outer provinces. As Taldor struggled to control its crumbling territories, its monarchs sought scapegoats for its failures, including the righteous war hero Countess Honaria Alcasti. Stripped of its nobility, her family has survived in obscurity for seven hundred years. However, her descendant Remaio has identified evidence that might redeem the Alcasti name and his ancestor's honor. Can the PCs help exonerate her name and bring glory to Taldor once more?

Table 2 (Carrion Hill continued)

Table 3 Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-04: Wardens of Sulfur Gulch GM: ?
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7-11.

Among the earliest Pathfinders was the Gojan the Sharp, famed for his studies of the technology-strewn wasteland of Numeria before he disappeared forever into the infamous Silver Mount. The Pathfinder Society has uncovered a forgotten cache of Gojan's Numerian journals identifying sites unknown even to the local barbarian chieftains. The time is right to unearth a pristine piece of alien technology! However, Pathfinders should remember that for every untouched marvel that remains, an unblinking sentry may lie in wait.
Last edited by Sir.Gryphon on Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kwazi-Con, October 15-16, Colorado Springs

Post by WhiteMane » Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:36 pm

Go ahead and sign me up to run Honor's Echo on Sunday Morning and Evening session.
O.J. Pinckert--Regional Venture Coordinator, Great Plains Region
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Re: Kwazi-Con, October 15-16, Colorado Springs

Post by rwcraigo » Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:44 pm

I'd be happy to run either (or both) of the Modules (Realm of the Fellnight Queen and Carrion Hill). I'm already prepping Carrion Hill for an event toward the end of the month, but I can just as easily run it twice.

I do want to make sure I'm good with the GM pass on both days though. Funds are tight this month and I really can't afford to pay up front for a badge.
VA for Game Knight Games in Pueblo, CO

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Re: Kwazi-Con, October 15-16, Colorado Springs

Post by WhiteMane » Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:59 pm

Romeo Charlie wrote: I do want to make sure I'm good with the GM pass on both days though. Funds are tight this month and I really can't afford to pay up front for a badge.
There will not be any issues with the GM pass.  Shannon (who is organizing Kwazi-Con) has always worked really well with the Society in the past and has always taken care of us.
O.J. Pinckert--Regional Venture Coordinator, Great Plains Region
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Re: Kwazi-Con, October 15-16, Colorado Springs

Post by rwcraigo » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:29 pm

O.J. Pinckert - VC Colorado Springs wrote:
Romeo Charlie wrote: I do want to make sure I'm good with the GM pass on both days though. Funds are tight this month and I really can't afford to pay up front for a badge.
There will not be any issues with the GM pass.  Shannon (who is organizing Kwazi-Con) has always worked really well with the Society in the past and has always taken care of us.
VA for Game Knight Games in Pueblo, CO

"If everyone is having fun, you're not doing it wrong."

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