Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

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Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:36 am

Welcome to the beginning of a new year of adventure!  Please sign up to GM the games listed below and remember, volunteering to GM means you get first choice of games to play!

4 Jan 2017
06-13 Of Kirin and Kraken, Tier 7-11 GM: Mark
When imperial Lung Wa collapsed over a century ago, it shattered not only the political ties that united the successor states but also the philanthropic order known as the Way of the Kirin. Today, despite having allied itself with Venture-Captain Amara Li's thriving Lantern Lodge and funded the Pathfinder Society's endeavors in Tian Xia, the Way controls only a handful of its once-extensive web of strongholds. One of its leaders in Kwanlai has decided that it is time for Amara Li to demonstrate her dedication to her allies: by recovering one of the order's most treasured relics lost in the swamps of Wanshou. It is up to the PCs to brave the realm of a kraken god-king in order to keep the Society's alliance intact.
Player 1: Hillary
Player 2: Austin

The new year is the perfect time to start a new character.
Quest: Honor's Echo Tier 1, GM: ?
The grand Taldan Empire once controlled half of Avistan, but during the Even-Tongued Conquest, it could not manage an ongoing war with both its neighbor Qadira and the secessionist rebels in its outer provinces. As Taldor struggled to control its crumbling territories, its monarchs sought scapegoats for its failures, including the righteous war hero Countess Honaria Alcasti. Stripped of its nobility, her family has survived in obscurity for seven hundred years. However, her descendant Remaio has identified evidence that might redeem the Alcasti name and his ancestor's honor. Can the PCs help exonerate her name and bring glory to Taldor once more?

01-45 Delirium's Tangle, Tier 1-5, GM: Richard
The Pathfinder Society owes Grandmaster Torch a favor and he's calling it in. It seems he misplaced Nuar Spiritskin, the famous minotaur prince of Absalom, and Torch needs you to find the prince before the city discovers that the minotaur is missing. He sends you deep beneath Absalom into a maddening maze of malign shapes, hideous creatures, and secrets that haven't seen the light of day for more than a thousand years.

03-08 Among the Gods, Tier 3-7, GM: Micheal
The Pathfinder Society sends the PCs to the mountaintop mausoleum and monument known as Antios's Crown in search of a long-lost relic believed to be contained there, but all is not as it seems. Can the Pathfinders survive the denizens of the remote mountain complex and the sinister plot of a powerful cultists who plans revenge on the Society that has foiled their plans one too many times?
Player 1: O.J.

11 Jan 2017
By special request! This is our first Pathfinder Society sanctioned Module.  Because this is a module, it will run longer than a single session so players must be able to commit to back-to-back weeks in order to finish the module and get the chronicle sheet.  Completing this PFS module awards 3 XP and 4 Prestige Points, or 1-1/2 XP and 2 Prestige Points for characters on the slow advancement track.
Players who play through the entire module (not just the sanctioned portions), using the alternate play option detailed in the GM instructions, and apply all three Chronicle sheets to the same Pathfinder Society character earn a fourth Chronicle sheet that must also be applied to that character.

Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand, Part 1 (Tier 1-3) **CORE**, GM: Bill
Founded by a famous dragonslayer, the small town of Belhaim has become a sleepy rural community just off the beaten path, a settlement where everyone knows everyone and strangers are the talk of the town. But when Belhaim's peace and quiet is shattered by the sudden collapse of the last standing tower of its founder's castle, things quickly bloom out of control. Why were there bodies of kobolds amid the rubble? What's the sinister secret behind the strange sounds of flapping wings in the night? And what's happened to local wizard Balthus Hunclay, who's not answering knocks on his door? The collapsed tower had long been an eyesore to the cantankerous old man-could he have had something to do with its destruction? And what of the rumors of strange stirrings in nearby Dragonfen? Has Belhaim's ancient draconic nemesis returned?
Player 1: Hillary
Player 2: Micheal
Player 3: Richard

03-22 The Rats of Round Mountain-Part II: Pagoda of the Rat, Tier 7-11, GM: Randy
In the hollow center of Round Mountain, the Pathfinder Society's crack team of special agents must navigate the so-called Pagoda of the Rat, where the influential ratfolk of the region hold court. Can they break up negotiations between the ratfolk and the sinister Aspis Consortium, or will the risks taken to reach this point have been in vain? The future of the Pathfinder Society's viability in the region lies in the PCs' hands.
Standby: Austin

08-10 Tyranny of Winds, Part 2: Secrets of the Endless Sky, Tier 1-5, GM: Austin
Recent discoveries suggest what was a simple theft is part of a grander plot that directs the PCs to floating metropolis of Armun Kelisk, capitol of the djinni empire. As the Pathfinders pursue the culprit and uncover the past that has brought them in conflict, they may find they have more in common than they had expected-including a shared enemy.
Player 1: Mark
Player 2: O.J.

02-01 Before the Dawn Pt.1:  The Bloodcove Disguise, Tier 1-7, GM: ?
You are sent to Aspis Consortium-infested Bloodcove to gather supplies for a nearly doomed Pathfinder mission nearby. Disguised as ordinary merchants, you have little time to gather what you need and get out before the Consortium discovers and destroys you.

18 Jan 2017
Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand, Part 2 (Tier 1-3) **CORE**, GM: Bill
Player 1: Hillary
Player 2: Micheal
Player 3: Richard

02-02 Before the Dawn Pt.2:  Rescue at Azlant Ridge, Tier 1-7, GM: ?
With supplies in hand, you rush from Bloodcove to the Pathfinder expedition site at Azlant Ridge only to find it under siege. You must brave the newly discovered halls beneath the ridge in order to find the key that might save everyone.

08-09 Forged in Flame, Part 1: The Cindersworn Pact, Tier 5-9, GM: Mark
When an impossibly vile fiend proves too powerful to destroy, the forces of good often resort to banishing or sealing the villain away to be remembered only in fearsome legends. Less common are the instances in which wrongdoers bound benevolent titans and demigods, yet Society agents recently uncovered just such a prison. Few know how to unlock such a jail, much less locate the key. The Society has identified just such a sage: a disgraced efreeti who has sworn to share her priceless knowledge in exchange for the PCs' assistance. The Pathfinders travel to the cosmopolitan melting pot of Zjarra on the Plane of Fire, where they must fulfill the cruel genie's schemes-or find some other way to fulfill the deal.
Player 1: Austin
Player 2: O.J.

00-20 King Xeros of Old Azlant, Tier 7-11, GM: ?
Panic grips Absalom when a huge crystalline sailing vessel appears suddenly in the harbor. Identified as the King Xeros of Old Azlant, the ship presents a great opportunity for the Pathfinder Society. You and your fellow adventurers are summoned by Venture-Captain Adril Hestram and dropped aboard the King Xeros to explore it and report back. Only, what you find isn't an empty vessel, but a sinister ship with a vile intent.

25 Jan 2017

05-21 The Merchant's Wake, Tier 1-5, GM: Hillary
A powerful Qadiran trade prince has died, and faction leader Aaqir al'Hakam rushes to his homeland to attend his mentor's funeral. As an act of support, the Pathfinder Society sends the PCs as representatives to the event; however the death of such an influential merchant and politician has created a considerable power vacuum, and ambitious acquaintances from across the Inner Sea are in attendance to pay their respects, claim a piece of the trade prince's legacy, and undercut their rivals' attempts to do the same. Can the Pathfinders keep this somber event from spiraling into a bloodbath?

05-14 Day of the Demon, Tier 3-7, GM: Mark
The Blakros family, long an ally of the Pathfinder Society, has come into possession of a manor house in the imperial nation of Cheliax, where a once prominent noble family was known to practice diabolism before the Age of Lost Omens. The Pathfinders' task is simple: clear the abandoned manor of any remaining threats before the Blakroses move in. Unfortunately, the estate hasn't sat empty as long as the Blakroses think it has, and its recent inhabitants were anything but the devil-worshipers who originally built the manor.
Player 1: Micheal

04-16 The Fabric of Reality, Tier 5-9, GM: O.J.
For the past year, the Pathfinder Society has used the isolated demiplane contained in the Hao Jin Tapestry as a private adventuring realm and, since discovering a backdoor out of the demiplane, as a shortcut from the tapestry's location to a hidden corner of Varisia. But the tapestry wasn't designed for this purpose, and travel from Absalom to Varisia could be more efficient. Now a team of Pathfinders must discover how the infamous sorcerer known as the Ruby Phoenix created her private demiplane and enter the heart of the tapestry and alter the very nature of the magical realm.
Player 1: Richard
Player 2: Austin

03-04 The Kortos Envoy, Tier 7-11, GM: ?
The centaur tribes of the Isle of Kortos have long been an enigma to the people of Absalom. But the Pathfinder Society needs the help of one of the horsemen's greatest heroes, in it falls to you to negotiate an agreement between the Decemvirate and the centaurs of the plains.
Last edited by Sir.Gryphon on Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Question

Post by DavidPetik » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:58 am

I can make it to both of The Dragon's Demand sessions,
David Petik
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Re: Question

Post by MoffRimmer » Fri Dec 16, 2016 5:36 pm

Reminder - Dragon's Demand will be for "Core".

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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by Fyre Vyxsin » Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:35 pm

I'd like to run The Merchant's Wake.

I'd like to play Of Kirin and Kraken, and both weeks at Dragons Demand.

Thanks ~ Hillary
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by musclecarlover07 » Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:53 pm

Jan 4th
  run: Among the Gods

Jan 11th
  play: The Dragon's Demand, Part 1

Jan 18th
  play: The Dragon's Demand, Part 2

Jan 25th
  play: Day of the Demon
Micheal Smith

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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by KatanaEdge316 » Sun Dec 18, 2016 4:09 pm

Please put me down to run Tyranny of the Winds Prt 2. I'd like to play Of Kirin and Kraken, Forged in Flame and The Kortos Envoy. Please put me down as an alternate of Rats of Round Mountain Prt 2 please just in case. As I still want to finish that scenario. Thank you good sir.
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by Cohma » Sun Dec 18, 2016 5:05 pm

Throw me in for:

4Jan GM Kraken

11Jan play Tyranny  Part 2

18Jan GM Forged Part 1

25Jan GM Day of the Demon (I have already GM'd it, I will play if one of my 4* brethren wants to GM)
Last edited by Cohma on Sun Dec 18, 2016 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sorry bro. Crits are crits.

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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by WhiteMane » Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:01 am

Put me down to GM:
25 Jan 2017-4-16 The Fabric of Reality

Put me down to Play:
4 Jan 2017-3-08 Among the Gods
11 Jan 2017-8-10 Tyranny of the Winds Pt 2
18 Jan 2017-8-09 Forged in Flame Pt 1
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:22 am

I'll GM

01-45 Delirium's Tangle

I would like to play

Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand, Part 1 (Tier 1-3) **CORE**, GM: Bill

Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand, Part 2 (Tier 1-3) **CORE**, GM: Bill

04-16 The Fabric of Reality, Tier 5-9, GM: O.J.


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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by Nilgodmode » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:19 pm

Harlie and I won't be able to make it. Sorry.

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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by WhiteMane » Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:08 pm

Nilgodmode wrote: Harlie and I won't be able to make it. Sorry.
Did you mean to put that in the December 21 Player Call?
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by Nilgodmode » Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:01 pm

I sure did. Sorry, again.

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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by Hakken » Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:00 am

sign me up for dragons demand please


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Re: Question

Post by WhiteMane » Wed Dec 28, 2016 10:28 am

DavidPetik wrote: I can make it to both of The Dragon's Demand sessions,
You need to volunteer to run a game to sign up to play at this time...
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: January 2017

Post by WhiteMane » Wed Dec 28, 2016 10:29 am

Hakken wrote: sign me up for dragons demand please

You need to volunteer to run a game to sign up to play at this time...
O.J. Pinckert--Regional Venture Coordinator, Great Plains Region
PFS #808

Demons run when a good man goes to war...

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