GalaxyFest 2019!

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GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Thu Dec 27, 2018 7:54 pm

As many of you might know, GalaxyFest 2019 is scheduled for 1-3 Feb 2019 at the Antler's Hilton in Downtown Colorado Springs. This year, I am trying to focus on events that are hard to get a seat at instead of a multi table special. I am also scheduling several quests and new scenarios so new and old seasoned Pathfinders can both enjoy their experiences!

Here is the tentative schedule (subject to change). The list below has no times listed for now. I need more information about the venue, our location, and the operating hours before I can complete the schedule.

We need GMs to make this a successful event which is why there are a bunch of specials scheduled to help them inch toward their 5th star! When volunteering, Paizo forum names are a necessity! In all cases where an email is invalid, the forum name allowed for scenario drop. If you want these scenarios loaded to your account in time to prep for the event, we need your Paizo forum name (your default alias that shows up when you post a message on the Paizo forums) and email!

GMs who run volunteer to run 12 hours of events (3 scenarios/quests or 1 module and 1 scenario) will get free admission to the convention!

1 Feb 2019
6pm or whenever we have access to the room
Table 1: 03-INTRO First Steps Pt. 1: In Service to Lore Tier 1 Pregens GM: ?
In your first mission as a Pathfinder agent, the head of the Grand Lodge sends you on a number of missions throughout the metropolis of Absalom, pitting you against traps, thieves, and even an unruly devil, all in the pursuit of knowledge.

Table 2: 10-10 The Shattered Shield Tier 1-5 GM: O.J.
When news arrives that one of the shards of the holy relic known as the Shattered Shield of Arnisant have been put up for sale in a Rahadoumi auction, the Pathfinder Society is highly skeptical, particularly since all the shards of the shield are safely accounted for, enshrined in the nation of Lastwall's capital city, Vigil. However, the Society's sources have confirmed that the seller does indeed seem to have a powerful magical relic identical to one of the shards, so the Pathfinders have sent a team to investigate. What secrets might be uncovered in this nation where religion is banned? And who besides the Pathfinder Society and their allies in Lastwall might be seeking the purported relic?
Contents in "The Shattered Shield" also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Dark Archive faction.

Table 3: Quest Into the Unknown Tier 1 GM: ?
When a mysterious visitor comes to Absalom Station selling items belonging to a lost Starfinder, the Starfinder Society takes note. The PCs are dispatched to discover out how the recent arrival found these items, leading them on a series of quests beyond the Pact Worlds and into the stars.

Table 4: Special* Ruins of Bonekeep Level 1: The Silent Grave Tier 3-7 GM: Bill
An enemy of the Pathfinder Society recently found a hidden dungeon in a centuries-old siege fortress, but despite his best efforts to convert it into his base of operations, he failed. When a pair of Pathfinders encounter disaster while scouting out the entrance, the party must explore the first level of the dungeon to determine not just what attacked their comrades but also what dark power their nemesis nearly acquired.

2 Feb 2019
9:00 AM
Table 1: Special* 06-98 Serpents Rise Tier 7 Pregens GM: Randy
Years of political maneuvering, espionage, smuggling, and diplomacy have set the stage for the Aspis Consortium’s most ambitious attack on their Inner Sea rivals: the Pathfinder Society. All that remains are several key preparations that only an elite team of Aspis agents can arrange, and once the fireworks begin, these same agents must strike quickly and mercilessly to secure objectives—some shared and some connected to deeper plots—and escape without the Society being any the wiser. In this adventure the players portray agents of the Aspis Consortium using 7th-level pregenerated characters. The events in this story also connect to and expand upon those in "Siege of Serpents".

Table 2: 05-08 The Confirmation Tier 1-2 GM: Richard
Almost all Pathfinders undergo extensive training for three or more years to learn the tricks of the trade, and their last test before graduating from the ranks of the initiates to the status of a full Pathfinder agent is the Confirmation, a special research project that involves considerable fieldwork and is designed to simulate the initiates' future work as a Pathfinder. Even the noteworthy field commissioned agents sometimes participate in such trials as a way to familiarize themselves with the Pathfinder Society’s rules and expectations. Although Confirmation is typically an individual affair, the society recently discovered a site on the Isle of Kortos that would be perfect for initiates but perhaps too dangerous to handle alone. Successfully uncovering this site’s secrets will not only contribute to the society’s body of knowledge but shape the exciting careers ahead for each of the prospective agents.

Table 3: 06-10 The Wounded Wisp Tier 1-2 GM: ?
More than 400 years have transpired since the Pathfinder Society began in a humble tavern that has quietly weathered the centuries without incident. When a routine errand there uncovers a clue left behind by one of the founding Pathfinders, it’s up to the PCs to solve a puzzle whose pieces are scattered across Absalom—and whose prize dates back to the Society’s darkest years.

Table 4: 07-10 The Consortium Compact Tier 1-2 GM: O.J.
The Aspis Consortium pays well, but few can stand its underhanded tactics for long. One operative fed up with the Consortium's practices has contacted the Pathfinder Society with a tempting offer: assist her in leaving the organization, and she will supply the Society with years of insider intelligence about their longstanding rival. It's up to the PCs to navigate Diobel—a proud town run by cutthroat smugglers—earn the defector's trust, and deal a telling blow to their Aspis foes. "The Consortium Compact" is an evergreen, replayable scenario designed to help introduce players to the Pathfinder Society, the Isle of Kortos, and one of the Society's longstanding rivals.

1:00 PM
Table 1: Special* 07-98 Serpents' Ire Tier 8 Pregens GM: Randy
A parasitic faction known as the Korholm Agenda has tried to corrupt the upstanding Aspis Consortium from the inside out, all in the vain pursuit of revenge and profit. Now one of the powerful Aspis Patrons has learned that the Korholm Agenda has siphoned the Consortium’s funding to build a base of operations in Nidal. This shall not stand. He has assembled a team of top agents—including both new faces and veterans of the attack on the Grand Lodge a year ago—to infiltrate the operation and shut it down by any means necessary.

Table 2: Special* Ruins of Bonekeep Level 2: Maze of the Mind Slave Tier 3-7 GM: Bill
A group of Pathfinders recently delved into the ruins of Bonekeep, a siege fortress destroyed centuries ago. There they discovered not only terrifying threats but also extraordinary treasures. Warded by the magic of a senior Pathfinder, the party must explore as much of Bonekeep as they can before the spell dissipates, lest they too are enslaved by the enchanted maze that looks hauntingly more familiar with each discovery.

Table 3: 10-11 The Hao Jin Hierophant Tier 5-9 GM: Richard
Seven years ago, the Pathfinder Society acquired the Hao Jin Tapestry, a powerful artifact and gateway to a wondrous yet slowly disintegrating museum-like demiplane. Despite the sacrifices made to preserve the Hao-Jin Tapestry by one of the Pathfinder Society's most influential members, the realm's collapse seems inevitable. The Society has dispatched teams to high-value sites to salvage what they can of the historical treasures and knowledge, and the PCs are one of these first groups. However, their study of an ancient Tian site becomes far more complex thanks to not one but two burgeoning religions. It's up to the PCs to navigate this landscape riddled with hazards both extraplanar and political.

Table 4: Quest: Honor's Echo Tier 1 GM: ?
The grand Taldan Empire once controlled half of Avistan, but during the Even-Tongued Conquest, it could not manage an ongoing war with both its neighbor Qadira and the secessionist rebels in its outer provinces. As Taldor struggled to control its crumbling territories, its monarchs sought scapegoats for its failures, including the righteous war hero Countess Honaria Alcasti. Stripped of its nobility, her family has survived in obscurity for seven hundred years. However, her descendant Remaio has identified evidence that might redeem the Alcasti name and his ancestor’s honor. Can the PCs help exonerate her name and bring glory to Taldor once more?

5:00 PM
Table 1: SFS 01-22 The Protectorate Petition Tier 1-4 GM: William
The alien copaxis have long inhabited their world in Near Space but only recently petitioned the Pact Wolds for protectorate status. Sent as part of a delegation to review the petition's virtues and validity, the PCs must explore the ancient copaxi ruins and learn about this applicant species' history. Will the PCs decide to vouch for the copaxis, or will the PCs discover something that casts the copaxis' petition into doubt?

Table 2: SFS 01-26 Truth of the Seeker Tier 3-6 GM: Jim H
A prominent Starfinder Society leader that was only just rescued from a year of imprisonment has gone into hiding. Brought together to find this leader, the PCs must explore the kasatha colony ship, Idari, for information on where their target has hidden. From the heart of the Pact Worlds to the very edge of a dangerous stellar phenomena, it's up to the PCs to learn the history of the lost leader and return him safely to the Society.

Table 3: PF2-01 The Rose Street Revenge Tier 1 (pregens available) GM: Richard
Less than a year has passed since the Fiendflesh Siege, in which Absalom fended off an invading coalition of demonflesh constructs and the living dead. The siege lord offered freedom to any slave in Absalom willing to aid in the city's defense, and since that grand manumission, the city's slave trade has practically disappeared. The Pathfinder Society is one of many organizations that opened its doors to Absalom's newest citizens. However, several of the ex-slaves have been turning up dead, in other cases disappearing entirely. The Society doesn't often investigate serial killings, but one of its newest recruits is the latest victim. It's time for a band of Pathfinders to follow the clues, uncover these crimes, and end this threat.
The Rose Street Revenge is a series of four quests, each of which run about 40-60 minutes and highlight Pathfinder Second Edition rules. The series includes three quests that can be played in any order as well as a finale.

Table 4: Special* Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3: The Wakening Tomb Tier 5-9 GM: Bill
A group of Pathfinders recently delved into the ruins of Bonekeep, a siege fortress destroyed centuries ago. There they discovered not only terrifying threats but also extraordinary treasures

10:00 PM
Sleep-Is-For-The-Weak Module: Masks of the Living God, Tier 2-4 GM: O.J.
A team of local heroes follows clues learned in the Crypt of the Everflame to the rag-tag rustic capital city of Tamran, crown of the woodland realm of Nirmathas. There they discover the work of an insidious cult of the Living God Razmir at work, and must pose as members of the vile organization to battle its malignance from the inside out.

3 Feb 2019
9:00 AM
Table 1: Special* 07-99 Through Maelstrom Rift Tier 6 Pregens GM: Randy
Even the limitless Plane of Air is at risk of eldritch instability, and a cult dedicated to the planes’ integrity has sensed an imminent calamity brewing deep within a primal storm. In this special adventure, the players portray a diverse coalition of elemental guardians that must embark on perilous journey into the maelstrom’s heart and avert a disaster that threatens the Inner Sphere.

Table 2: SFS 01-28 It Rests Beneath Tier 1-4 GM: Jim H
Dispatched by the Wayfinders' faction leader to a Near Space world, the PCs have orders to assist a local Starfinder research outpost. The outpost's head researcher sends the PCs on a mission to explore a strange calcified region, which soon reveals that there's more happening on this world than first appears. Scenario Tags: Faction (Wayfinders), Vehicle

*Specials: Anyone can run the Bonekeep specials at the convention. Only a 4 or 5 star GM can run Serpents Rise, Serpents' Ire, and Through Maelstrom Rift. I will try to place 4 star GMs to run the specials to help them reach their 5th star and to enhance the player experience at those tables.
Last edited by Sir.Gryphon on Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:25 am, edited 16 times in total.
Reason: Change to GM listing
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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by jahenders » Fri Dec 28, 2018 11:12 am

Not sure when we'll have more details on timeslots.

However, I will GM:
(2 Feb) SFS 01-26 Truth of the Seeker Tier 3-6

(3 Feb) SFS 01-28 It Rests Beneath Tier 1-4

Jim H

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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:51 am

When I learn the operating hours for the game room I will post the schedule times for all events. Until then, the schedule is a little flexible so If you'd like to run only in the afternoon, ask and I will move your games if I can!
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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:01 pm


I can run PF2-01 The Rose Street Revenge Tier 1 (pregens available) GM: ? and something else on Saturday. I can run Bonekeep, but will not quite be to a four star gm by the con.

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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by MoffRimmer » Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:08 am

I would like to run Serpent's Rise and Serpent's Ire.

I think that Jonathan would like to run The Consortium Compact.

Thank you.

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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by » Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:47 pm


I'd like to gm the following;
Feb 2nd.
SFS 01-22 The Protectorate Petition Tier 1-4
SFS 01-22 The Protectorate Petition Tier 1-4


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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:24 am

After looking at the interest for the events and the requirements to run them I would ask that 4 star GMs step up to run the Serpents Rise, Serpents' Ire, and Through Maelstrom Rift and allow the 3 star and lower GMs an opportunity to run BoneKeep since conventions are the only time they will have the chance to run one for GM credit. I will likely add a second table of BoneKeep 1 if there is player demand.
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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by rwcraigo » Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:44 pm

I can GM Serpents Rise, Serpents' Ire, and Through Maelstrom Rift.
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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by » Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:37 pm wrote: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:47 pm Hello.

I'd like to gm the following;
Feb 2nd.
SFS 01-22 The Protectorate Petition Tier 1-4


I don't have the scenario on my file. My account is William Thomas,

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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by MoffRimmer » Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:09 pm

Ok, let's change this -- I would like to run all three Bonekeep modules. :)

I think that we can still put Jonathan down to run The Consortium Compact.

Thank you.
MoffRimmer wrote: Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:08 am I would like to run Serpent's Rise and Serpent's Ire.

I think that Jonathan would like to run The Consortium Compact.

Thank you.


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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:05 am

MoffRimmer wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:09 pm Ok, let's change this -- I would like to run all three Bonekeep modules. :)

I think that we can still put Jonathan down to run The Consortium Compact.

Thank you.
MoffRimmer wrote: Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:08 am I would like to run Serpent's Rise and Serpent's Ire.

I think that Jonathan would like to run The Consortium Compact.

Thank you.

Richard aslo asked to run one so I will put you down for the other two. Sound good?

I think the other BoneKeep events might be run soon at a game store near you! ;)
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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:50 pm


Go ahead and let Bill do all three Bonekeeps,

I'll run the following

@9 Table 2: 05-08 The Confirmation Tier 1-2 GM: ?
@1 Table 3: 10-11 The Hao Jin Hierophant Tier 5-9 GM: ?
@5 Table 3: PF2-01 The Rose Street Revenge Tier 1 (pregens available) GM: Richard
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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Sun Jan 13, 2019 1:12 pm

Volunteers: I need your Paizo forum name (your default alias that shows up when you post a message on the Paizo forums) and email. Please reply or send me a private message with this info ASAP!
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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by WhiteMane » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:56 am

Randy... I will run the following scenarios:

1 Feb 2019
7:00 pm 10-10 The Shattered Shield Tier 1-5

2 Feb
9:00 am 7-10 The Consortium Compact Tier 1-2
10:00 pm Sleep-Is-For-The-Weak Module: Masks of the Living God Tier 2-4
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Re: GalaxyFest 2019!

Post by rwcraigo » Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:19 pm

Sorry for the short notice, but I need to bow out of the convention. There are just some things going on right now and I don’t have the time.
VA for Game Knight Games in Pueblo, CO

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