Pathfinder at Petrie's Family Games August 26th



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Petrie's Family Games

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Petrie's Family Games

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Moderators: lochinvar_1971, emorrow

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Pathfinder at Petrie's Family Games August 26th

Post by emorrow » Sun Aug 13, 2023 5:54 am

Starting the 9th of July I started running the Pathfinder Society's sanctioned Adventure Path: Quest for the Frozen Flame. The games will be on the 2nd and 4th Saturday's of the month from Noon to 4 PM. For August 26th, I am adding a second table with the exact game to be announced soon.

If you see that the table is full and you are interested in playing Pathfinder Society or Starfinder Society games outside of this adventure path, please send me a private message and we will try to schedule a second table to help accommodate that request.

This is an Adventure Path that spans level 1 to 10.

Broken Tusk Moon: Chapter 1:Fires on the Horizon (Level 1)
If the Broken Tusk following is to survive the coming year, their bravest scouts must carve a path through a harsh wilderness. Brutal beasts, wicked rivals, and an inhospitable landscape challenge the trailblazers to withstand their enemies and the elements. But mere survival is not enough. To forge their legacies as Mammoth Lords, the scouts search for an ancient artifact to light the way forward—the Primordial Flame!

GM: Everett Morrow
Player 1: Erich Gauss
Player 2: Alaina Russell
Player 3: Owen Martin
Player 4: Sarah Martin
Player 5: Charity Gamble
Player 6: LaShawn Korb

2nd Table
Scenario or Adventure Path to be determined
GM: GM Needed
Player 1: Chris Hicks
Player 2: Kelly?
Player 3: Jeff?
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

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The Reputation period has opened

Post by emorrow » Sun Aug 27, 2023 12:00 am

The Reputation period for this event has now opened!

If you have attended this event, now is the chance to give your opinion about it.
You can give out Reputation by clicking on the link in the upper right corner.

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Everett Morrow
Venture Lieutenant Colorado Springs

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally."
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The Reputation period has closed

Post by emorrow » Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:00 am

The Reputation period for this event has now closed!

If you have attended this event, we thank you very much.
Hope to see you all soon, again!

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Everett Morrow
Venture Lieutenant Colorado Springs

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally."
W. C. Fields

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