Rocky Mountain PF2 Digital Session for 20 April 2024

Use this forum to organize Pathfinder Society online games.

Moderator: ESParker

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Store Coordinator
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Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:04 am
Name: Eric S Parker
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Rocky Mountain PF2 Digital Session for 20 April 2024

Post by ESParker » Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:17 pm

Greetings Fellow Pathfinders/Starfinders,

Apologies for the long gap between posts but it has been a rough year so far.

I am Eric Parker, and I am now accepting player signups for a digital gaming session on April 20th 2024.

At this time, I intend to leave this announcement open on the RockyMountainPFS server until Tuesday 6 PM, prior to the game, when I will also post it on, which will make the game available worldwide. I will start by reserving three seats for local players, with three on-line seats. As we get closer, I will increase the number of on-line seats available if the local seats don't fill up.

My regular games are on Foundry

Please let me know if there are any other questions or comments.

The game will be held on Foundry: ... 0ff9ba0322

Voice will be on Rocky Mountain PFS Discord:

I ask the players to please fill out a sign-in sheet: ... 3d/pregame

IMPORTANT: To sign up please email me directly at [email protected] <--Clicking this link will cause your email program or smart phone to generate an email directly to me. Simply hitting reply to this email (the one generated by the announcement) will NOT get your email to anyone.

Saturday 4/20/2024
9 AM - Noon

Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #14: The Swordlord’s Challenge

A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.

An Aldori swordlord who fought alongside Pathfinders years ago is looking for a way to push her students harder. She issues a challenge to Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, boasting that her most promising young pupils can defeat any Marcos has trained. She stakes her pride as a teacher and a powerful weapon she used during the Fifth Crusade on the outcome. Marcos both believes such a relic, taken to the very heart of the Worldwound, would be an excellent addition to the Society's vaults and that the PCs are the perfect students on which to stake his own pride. The PCs must do their utmost to justify the faith he has placed in them and win a great victory-- and perhaps a new ally-- for the Pathfinder Society.

Written by Tineke Bolleman

Scenario tags: Repeatable

Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Standby 1:
Standby 2:

Eric Parker
Event # # 2,715,006 Rocky Mountain PFS Digital Gaming 2024
3 PCs Killed in Action
:( Five PCs killed from the other side of the screen
116 tables PFS 1E credit, 152 tables PFS 2E credit, 46 tables SFS credit
[email protected]
Proud survivor of the Legendary Lemming Leap of 2017

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