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Enchanted Realms PFACG - January 15, 2015

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:30 pm
by WhiteMane
Remember, if you sign up ahead of time, your slot will be guaranteed.  Gaming starts at 6:00 and if you are not here by 6:05, I reserve the right to give your slot away, even if you have signed up ahead of time.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild 01-A:  Lost At Sea - Ghosts of the Deep
After being ruthlessly press-ganged by some bloodthirsty pirates from the Isles of the Shackles, you and your newfound allies have risen up in mutiny to throw your captor captain and his scurvy mates overboard, and taken their merchantman vessel as your own. With no set destination in mind, and little to no experience with the privateer's way of life, you set sail to explore the western frontiers of the Inner Sea. You'll encounter sharks, ghosts, freaky denizens of the deep, and worst of all-other pirates.
GM:  Randy
Player 1:  Tron
Player 2:  Josiah
Player 3:  Sean Templeton
Player 4:  Ashton Templeton
Player 5: 
Player 6: 

Re: Enchanted Realms PFACG - January 15, 2015

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:06 pm
by Tron
Please put myself and Josiah as attending.