Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

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Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Sat Nov 26, 2016 12:41 pm

Here we are, the last month of the year and time to grant as many wishes as possible!  Your scenario wish list desires have been fulfilled and a few new adventures are scheduled for this month too!

I mentioned it in the post for 30 November, but we will no longer run multiple tables of the popular game of the week.  It is not fair to those who are running games or who are committed to another adventure path to have any game run with most of our eligible players; that means that that scenario can be run again for a very long time.  To keep adventures circulating in the mix I will schedule additional games of the same tier as scenarios fill up to provide additional options, but that means that our GMs must be flexible.  We're counting on you!

In the meanwhile, let's look at next month's adventures:
7 Dec 2016
03-18 The Gods Market Gamble, Tier 1-5 GM: Gavin
Valuable relics of religious natures have been disappearing on their way into Absalom and the Pathfinder Society stands to lose countless irreplaceable artifacts if the cause isn't found. Amid the bustling markets of the God's Market in the shadow of the Starstone Cathedral, the Society sets a plan in motion to ensure the parties responsible for the recent thefts are caught and brought to justice.

03-25 Storming the Diamond Gate, Tier 3-7 GM: Mark
Agents of the Pathfinder Society have discovered the location of a back door into their private demiplane that puts the entire realm at risk of plunder and exploitation at the hands of the Aspis Consortium. Rather than close the access point into their adventuring paradise, however, the Decemvirate sends a crack team of Pathfinders to secure the gate for future Society use... at any cost.

03-22 The Rats of Round Mountain-Part II: Pagoda of the Rat, Tier 7-11 GM: Randy
In the hollow center of Round Mountain, the Pathfinder Society's crack team of special agents must navigate the so-called Pagoda of the Rat, where the influential ratfolk of the region hold court. Can they break up negotiations between the ratfolk and the sinister Aspis Consortium, or will the risks taken to reach this point have been in vain? The future of the Pathfinder Society's viability in the region lies in the PCs' hands.
Player 1: Austin

06-14 Scions of the Sky Key Pt 2:  Kaava Quarry *CORE*, Tier 1-5 GM: O.J.
A powerful guardian stands vigil over the ancient ruins where Venture-Captain Nieford Sharrowsmith disappeared recently, yet the beast has a weakness: a prophesied talisman now in the possession of an elusive grippli tribe deep in the Kaava Lands. The PCs must win the reclusive people's trust and claim the prize-all before the Aspis Consortium does!
Player 1: Richard
Player 2: Micheal

14 Dec 2016
07-24 Dead Man's Debt, Tier 1-5 GM: Jesse
Every Pathfinder's adventures come to an end eventually. When the Society an esteemed venture-captain laid to rest, it was unaware of his outstanding debt to the Ekujae elves of the Mwangi Expanse. The elves have not forgotten, and they expect the Society to make good on the late venture-captain's promises. Its up to the PCs to brave the Mwangi jungle and the dangers within to salvage the Society's reputation in the region.
Player 1: Mark

03-19 The Icebound Outpost, Tier 1-5 GM: Randy
The Pathfinder Society discovers an Aspis Consortium base in an ancient Vudran temple now encased in a glacier and sends the PCs to infiltrate it and investigate the extent of the rival organization's regional operations. Can the PCs get in the well-guarded Aspis outpost and escape with their lives and the information the Society seeks?

02-23 Shadows Last Stand Pt.1:  At Shadow's Door, Tier 1-7 GM: ?
The Shadow Lodge's assault on the Pathfinder Society has come to a head in the Andoren city of Almas, where renegade Shadow Pathfinders have taken over the Grand Cathedral of Aroden, holding the Pathfinders and Venture-Captain stationed there hostage. You must gain entry into the overrun Pathfinder lodge and put an end to the open warfare within the Society.

06-16 Scions of the Sky Key Pt 3:  The Golden Guardian *CORE*, Tier 1-5 GM: O.J.
Having bested the Aspis Consortium and recovered a powerful weapon, the PCs return to the Bandu Hills to delve into its ruins, confront the ancient guardian within, and find their missing venture-captain. Even greater secrets lie below, and the Pathfinders soon find that there is more to the so-called Golden Guardian than legends suggest. Are the PCs resourceful enough to survive the mounting danger and find Nieford Sharrowsmith?
Player 1: Micheal

21 Dec 2016
06-99 True Dragons of Absalom, Tier 4 (Pregens) GM: O.J.
For several years, the Pathfinder Society has enjoyed a mutually beneficial alliance with the Sewer Dragons, the dominant tribe of kobolds living beneath Absalom. When an elite patrol discovers a wounded member of the Society with a desperate message, the Sewer Dragons must move quickly intercept an extraordinary threat from seizing their territory-if not Absalom itself! In this special adventure the players portray kobolds as unlikely defenders of the City at the Center of the World using 4th-level pregenerated characters.
Player 1: Micheal

02-05 Eyes of the Ten - Part III: Red Revolution, Tier 12 GM: Jacob
You and your fellow Pathfinders are hot on the trail of the traitor to the Pathfinder Society as Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro once again sends you into the Maze of the Open Road to track the traitors' co-conspirators. Stepping through a portal, you find yourself on the cold, red desert planet Akiton, fourth planet from the sun and Golarion's outward neighbor. You arrive in the midst of revolution, however, and are quickly embroiled in the politics of a new world. Can you survive the frigid, violent revolution of the alien Akiton and put an end to the Society's traitor once and for all?
Player 1: Hillary
Player 2: Brian
Player 3: Randy

02-24 Shadows Last Stand Pt.2:  Web of Corruption, Tier 1-7 GM: ?
The mastermind behind the Shadow Lodge incursion on the Pathfinder Society has been revealed-a mysterious figure known only as The Spider. Your journey to discover the traitor's whereabouts and identities will take you throughout the streets and underground of Almas, even to the floor of the People's Council itself.

04-13 Fortress of the Nail, Tier 5-9 GM: Richard
The Pathfinder Society sends a team of agents into a Hellknight citadel to free a wrongfully imprisoned ally. Among the law-bound knights, however, they may find that getting out of the prison isn't as easy as getting in.
Player 1: Austin

28 Dec 2016
08-08 Tyranny of Winds, Part 1: The Sandstorm Prophecy, Tier 1-5 GM: Austin
As a repurposed prison, the Sandswept Hall Pathfinder lodge in Sothis is an imposing target for thieves, yet an enemy operative recently broken in, stole valuable property, and escaped into the sun-scorched deserts of eastern Osirion. The PCs are the best disposed to follow the culprit's trail. Be warned, though, for the Scorpion Coast is the battleground of powerful elemental tribes that have assailed Osirion's frontier with cruel sandstorms and deadly force for millennia.
Player 1: O.J.
Player 2: Mark

06-11 The Slave Master's Mirror, Tier 3-7 GM: Micheal
An elusive enemy of the Society has launched a campaign of espionage and intrigue from Stonespine Island, the homeport of the infamous Okeno pirates. The Society must sneak a team of agents through one of the largest slave markets on the Inner Sea and track the slippery mastermind to her base if they are to successfully capture the villain, and Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin has just the team of Pathfinders in mind for the task. Can the PCs defeat this remote slave ring without becoming slaves themselves?
Player 1: Richard
Player 2: Hillary

06-07 Valley of the Veiled Flame, Tier 5-9 GM: ?
For years a Pathfinder team has surveyed Qadira's Zho Mountains in an attempt to reconcile its twisting valleys with a series of old maps recovered years ago on the Silken Way. When the team disappears soon after reporting a strange illusory effect in a mountain pass, the Society sends the PCs-funded by an unusual benefactor-to uncover whatever is hidden in those peaks and rescue the agents.
Last edited by Sir.Gryphon on Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by KatanaEdge316 » Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:01 pm

I would like to run Tyranny of the Winds Prt 1 please, and with that be the first runner up to GM the next part of it next month (if any). I would like to be signed up to play Rats of Round Mountain Prt. 2, The Icebound Outpost, and Fortress of the Nail. Thank you my good sir.
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by WhiteMane » Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:44 pm

Since I am signed up to run several games this month, I would like to sign up to play Tyranny of the Winds.
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:57 pm

I can run

fortress of the nail

and would like to play

Slave masters Mirror and both Scions of the Sky key core games.

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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by musclecarlover07 » Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:21 pm

Will run
28 Dec - 06-11 The Slave Master's Mirror

Dec 7 - 06-14 Scions of the Sky Key Pt 2:  Kaava Quarry *CORE*
Dec 14 - 06-16 Scions of the Sky Key Pt 3:  The Golden Guardian *CORE*
Dec 21 - 06-99 True Dragons of Absalom

Will run
Dec 14 - 03-19 The Icebound Outpost

Dec 7 - 06-14 Scions of the Sky Key Pt 2:  Kaava Quarry *CORE*
Dec 28 - 06-11 The Slave Master's Mirror

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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by Cohma » Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:21 pm

I'll throw in for the following:

7Dec GM Storming the Diamond Gate

14Dec Play Dead Man's Debt

21Dec Got me already

28Dec Play Tyranny of the Winds part 1.  Count me in to play all 3 parts when it's time. Looks like part 2 is released 21Dec and part 3 is released 25Jan.
Mark Cohen
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Sorry bro. Crits are crits.

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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:36 pm

Cohma wrote:
28Dec Play Tyranny of the Winds part 1.  Count me in to play all 3 parts when it's time. Looks like part 2 is released 21Dec and part 3 is released 25Jan.
Yeah, I never trust the release dates for their scenarios.  I will schedule them as they become available, but not until they are released.  Look for part 2 and 3 in Jan!
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by Fyre Vyxsin » Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:56 pm

So sorry to do this Randy, but I'm going to need to back out of running The Icebound Outpost. My schedule got changed last minute and I won't have the time to sit down and prep the scenario. Again, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. ~ Hillary
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:54 am

Fyre Vyxsin wrote: So sorry to do this Randy, but I'm going to need to back out of running The Icebound Outpost. My schedule got changed last minute and I won't have the time to sit down and prep the scenario. Again, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. ~ Hillary
No problem.  I have not been volunteering to run often for just such an emergency so I've got you covered.
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Re: Enchanted Realms GM call: December 2016

Post by Parker » Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:20 pm

Can you hold a spot for me in Tyranny of wind. I might not be able to make it but I will try. Also it's good to get back into pathfinder.

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