Adventure Path: Serpent Skull



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Enchanted Realms

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Enchanted Realms

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Moderators: MoffRimmer, jbane, lochinvar_1971

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Adventure Path: Serpent Skull

Post by MoffRimmer » Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:37 pm

I would like to offer up the opportunity for some people to participate in an adventure path. I'd run it.

My initial intention is to offer this to people who GM a lot to give them an opportunity to play more. And also offer up something that people probably haven't played before (which might be getting difficult for some Pathfinders). So I would like first takers need to have at least two GM stars.

I would like to run The Serpent Skull. I'm looking for between 5 and 6 players that are willing to commit to 1 to 2 times a month (normal Wednesday night times).

I can give more information, but for now, I'm wondering if there's interest in something like this. If you're interested in participating in a long term, on-going adventure like this, please post here.

Here is the cast of characters thus far:

Sean: K'Vairn Cadwhistle, Flamboyant Bard Arrowsong Minstrel
Hillary: Nyx of the Duskstalker Clan, Rogue Gambler
RC: Musetouched aasimar aether kineticist
Richard: Chamukai, a follower of Irori and enlightened wanderer
Randy: Akshetsi, Nagaji Bloodrager with Draconic Bloodline
Erin: Halla Bekyall, sylph archanist

Chime in if this information changes

**UPDATE 13 Jan 2018**
With the party formed and well on their adventure path, this forum is being changed from an 'interest' post to a chronicle post of the adventure. I will start a new adventure path post if/when a new adventure path gets started.
Last edited by Sir.Gryphon on Wed May 29, 2019 7:07 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Adventure Path interest at Enchanted Realms

Post by MoffRimmer » Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:50 pm

If we have (at least) our 5...

I want to do the "Homebrew" option. That also gives me a number of additional options as well.

That being said, there are a few house rules I want to employ...

No guns. For a GM, these are really hard to plan against. I don't like the mechanics of them. And unless all the bad guys have guns (which you probably don't want), I don't want them.
I also don't want the Spiritualist. The ability to walk through walls (especially at low levels) is also really difficult to GM with.
No munchkins. I don't mind powerful builds or creative characters, but as soon as one character starts to outshine other players, it needs to end. If I have to spend additional time trying to come up with a challenge for one character, then it's too much.
So, (for instance) I don't mind the Summoner class - but I've also seen some insane builds that I would need to veto.

With that, generally standard PFS rules for character creation. However, like I said, I like powerful builds, so 25 point buy and people can start off with 200 gp of items. If there is a feat or item or archetype that is normally banned by PFS that you want (outside of the above restrictions) you can ask and I'll consider it. No evil characters. And if everyone agrees, I would like everyone to already be part of the Pathfinder Society on this. (It actually makes the most sense with this adventure.)

Because of the length and depth of this adventure, it might be good to have an ongoing folder devoted to this and take notes. I will pass things out that you might want to keep. And it will help as we go from one month to the next. I will also want copies of everyone's characters. This is mostly because -- this is an ongoing story. There will be a few opportunities to purchase items -- but in general the characters will be restricted to what they find. As such, I want to be sure that I include items that match up with your characters abilities and desires.

I think that's about it. Please let me know if you have any questions about any of this.

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Re: Adventure Path interest at Enchanted Realms

Post by MoffRimmer » Thu Mar 08, 2018 6:43 pm

There will be more opportunity for that in the second one.

You will (kind of) be starting out on the merchant/passenger ship Jenavere. I would like everyone to determine where they boarded the ship. The ship will be at the following ports in this order...

Magnimar, Varisia
Kintargo, Cheliax
Pezzack, Cheliax
Corentyn, Cheliax
Ilizmagorti, Mediogalti Island
Ollo, The Shackles
Quent, The Shackles
Port Peril, The Shackles
Bloodcove, Mwangi Expanse
Senghor, Mwangi Expanse

Multiple people can come from the same port.

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Re: Adventure Path interest at Enchanted Realms

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Fri May 25, 2018 3:26 pm


My input is more of what I see with a wizard, and in turn have made my wizard (a sylph as well).

There is an old old guide to playing a wizard and I think it is still relevant, if you want me to link it to you then I can. Right now I'm going to summarize what I have gleaned from it.

As a wizard, you can really focus on several different roles.
1. The blaster - this is an evocation specialist who essentially just sits back and nukes.
2. The controller - here, instead of just blasting with your spells, you are controlling the battle field.

I like the 2nd option. Here you are using things like obscuring mist, gust of wind - things along that lines to control where the enemy is at and how they can react. The other vital part of this is the summon monster spell line.

As a sylph you will notice that one of your racial abilities is Air affinity
Air Affinity: Sylph sorcerers with the elemental (air) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Sylph spellcasters with the Air domain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
While not a requirement, this almost leads you to the air elemental school as well as the proclivity to summon creatures with the air subtype.
I find the air elemental school to be cool. The only down side is that earth is the prohibited school. The biggest hit is the loss of Acid Splash which is a nice 0 level damage spell. ... hools/air/

One of the best perks is fly at will at 10th level. The spells are also a nice mix of control with a few blasting spells
-Gust of wind will help control airborne creatures as well as ranged - archers and such
-Wind wall will help keep enemies separated until the need to bring them into the fray.
-Lighting bolt, shocking grasp, and chain lightening are your blasting spells
-And it has the summon monster line.

All of these at a Caster Level at +1 which means your summons last an additional round, your damage is as if you were 1 level higher, the duration is longer so on and so forth.

Now I've hinted a lot at summoning monsters. As a wizard (or a cleric for that matter) I tend to focus on this. Consider the Damage over time or something else to do than just cast spells. And a lot of the monsters give you additional things to do during your round. Oh, and it is not hindered by Spell Resistance

So, I usually build summoners and the sylph actually turns into a fairly good one.

So, to start off you may look at the following build.
Level 1
Feat - Scribe Scroll - Bill may not let you take this one - since we said no crafting - so instead Spell Focus (conjuration) - it's a feat tax, but allows you to take
Feat - Augment Summoning - Now your summoned creatures are at +2 Str +2 Con and are a bit more viable.

1st Spells -
Mage Armor - I noticed you had leather armor on your wizard - this will give you a 10% base spell failure - meaning each time you cast a spell you may lose it. Mage Armor fixes this for the wizard.
Magic Missile - a great go to spell that always hits - not affected by air affinity - but still nice to have
Obscuring Mist - I know people give flack for this one, but it's a great early control spell. As a Sylph you can see in the obscuring mist, and careful placement will let you divide a group of monsters and you will still know where they are.
Shocking Grasp - Touch spell - but one that you can increase the CL of.

Take note - I don't want to tell you how or what to play - but I have had a lot of fun with this build. It kept me doing more stuff in a round than just casting or shooting my crossbow.

Oh and I had to laugh that as a Chaotic Neutral character you took the god of Law as your deity
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Enchanted Realms - Colorado Springs

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Re: Adventure Path interest at Enchanted Realms

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:01 pm

  • For anyone new to the thread, here is a quick summary of the key points in the dozens of posts in this topic:

    The adventure path is being run with the Homebrew option; the event is run as a home game and apply the PFS legal content to a PFS legal character as you progress through the module.

    Homebrew Rules:
    • No Gunslingers
    • No Spirtualists
    • No evil characters
    • 25 point buy
    • 3 traits
    • 200 GP starting cost
    • animal companions/eidolons with approval only
    • everyone should be part of the Pathfinder Society
    • No munchkins (min/max builds, power gaming, optimizing etc.)
    • PFS legal skill, trait, and feat selections allowed plus others with GM approval
    • Send copies of everyone's characters (scan or PDF) to the GM
    • Play what you want (with GM approval of course)
    • Keep an ongoing folder devoted to notes
    • Send character name, class, title to Randy
So far we have:
Player, Character, Race, Class
Sean: K'Vairn Cadwhistle, Tiefling, Bard (Arrowsong Minstrel)
Hillary: Nyx of the Duskstalker Clan, Catfolk, Rogue (with a gambling problem)
Richard: Chamukai, Human, Monk (enlightened wanderer)
Erin: ? (my notes are at home), Sylph, Sorcerer
Randy: Akshetsi, Nagaji, Bloodrager (draconic blooded)
RC: ?, ?, ?
Last edited by Sir.Gryphon on Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Adventure Path: Serpent Skull

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Sun Jan 13, 2019 12:34 pm

Following our last session we discussed having a version of our characters leveled up to 5th for the next session so after we complete our current combat we can level up and continue. Remember to update your characters!
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