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Wall of Character Desth (Permanent deaths only)

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:41 pm
by musclecarlover07
This post if for all of the poor souls whose like were taken to short in and adventure path. Let’s never forget these adventurers.

Some information you could add:
Character name and level of death
Reason for death
Campaign (Society, Adventure Path, etc)
Any other information you want.

Re: Wall of Character Desth (Permanent deaths only)

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:45 pm
by musclecarlover07
Jangir, Catfolk Rogue 2nd
Venom from a wasp swarm
Circus AP

He was a lucky cat until a double cursed Oracle chase him magic weapon. From that point on his luck went down hill. He critically failed all of his fortitude saves against the poison till he died. His party tried to help, but he was touched by the cursed.