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November Pathfinder 2E Signups

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:32 pm
by Kyphexler
October is posted for players and GM's, please feel free to comment below to get added on for game play. While masks are currently optional, if you are not comfortable playing without masks, please make it known, so we can make sure that organized play remains a positive experience for all. This is an attempt to see where we are at as far as signups and to help gauge how signups might look for the month of October.

If you want to GM either of these scenarios, let us know.

Saturday October, 20th 11:30-4pm:
Table 1: Pathfinder 2E #2-21 In Pursuit of Water [Tier 1-4]
The Pathfinder Society sends the PCs to the Thuvian city of Aspenthar, where they learn that div-worshipping cultists have taken violent measures to secure the ancient keys to a mysterious site out in the desert. With one of the keys in their possession, the Pathfinders travel deep into the desert to find this site and stop the cultists from bringing their destructive plan to fruition.
Tags: None

If there are scenarios that you are interested in or missing from the last year due to a certain event which affected organized play, let us know so we can get it scheduled for you.