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Pathfinder Society 10 Jan 2023

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:19 pm
by lochinvar_1971
Hail and Well Met Pathfinders!


Please Note: There have been substantial changes to the PFS2E Organizational Play. Please review the following link to familiarize yourself with these changes and the impact they may have to your character. Pathfinder Society (Second Edition) Guide to Organized Play[/b]

Things to note.
  • Please don't come to game if you feel ill.
  • Any other concerns about this please contact me via PM.
We need GM's!!!

Just as a reminder:
  • Games start at 6pm and end at 10pm. Let's be respectful of our hosts and try to end on time!
  • We follow the D11 weather closure schedule; if D11 is closed on Wednesday, PFS/SFS is canceled for the night. Please be safe and plan accordingly.
  • Please make sure that your real name (or at least whatever you'd like me to call you on the schedule) is listed in your post. If your account is ChunkyLover53 and you don't list your real name, you will be christened...
  • Sign up as soon as possible, you can always cancel if you need to
  • Please do not hot-swap tables!
  • Any sign ups on the day of the game (Wednesday) may not get a slot at the table, but do show up. We will always try to fit you in to a game!
  • GMs: if you need to cancel, let me know ASAP so I can find a replacement!
  • If you want a game scheduled, please ask!
Here is this weeks games:

Pathfinder Society 05-06: Ukuja, The First Wall Tier 7-10 GM: Richard

A new portal has been discovered in the Maze of the Open Road, and the Society has sent the PCs to investigate what secrets remain on the other side. The PCs discover the settlement of Ukuja, first of the nine walls that make up the Matanji orcs's aptly named Nine Walls nation. There, the PCs fall under scrutiny for a fiendish plot to destabilize the fortress settlement and must work to prove their innocence, all while discovering the true villain behind a fiendish invasion!

Scenario tags: Metaplot (Unfettered Exploration), Faction (Horizon Hunters, Vigilant Seal)

Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Town Square
Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Watch Station

Player 1: Erik
Player 2: Jenn
Player 3: James
Player 4: Annie
Player 5: Mitch
Player 6:

Pathfinder Society 05-07: Sewer Dragon Crisis Tier 1-4 GM: OJ

Drandle Dreng's unmasking as the member of the Decemvirate known as Sapphire has left the Sewer Dragons in a sort of limbo, with one of their strongest political allies largely stripped of influence. Chief Yiddlepode still believes that these agreements with outsiders is the best way to keep the Sewer Dragons strong, but, while that was an easy case to make before their territory was devastated, doubts have arisen among other members of the tribe in the ensuing years. Trapmaster Tok especially has begun to blame the Pathfinder for their misfortune. He has issued a challenge to Yiddlepode for the leadership of the Sewer Dragons, and she has turned again to the Pathfinders. The conflict brewing beneath the streets of Absalom threatens to destabilize the whole city. The PCs need to prove to the beleaguered kobold allies that the best way foward is together.

Scenario tags: Faction (Radiant Oath)

Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Haunted Dungeon
Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Theater

Player 1: Charli
Player 2: Owen,
Player 3: Sarah /
Player 4: LaShawn
Player 5:
Player 6:

Re: Pathfinder Society 10 Jan 2023

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:54 pm
by WhiteMane
I will rub Sewer dragon crisis